Losing and Finding … and Rejoicing
September 11, 2022
Exodus 32:7-14
Luke 15:1-10
Here is the zoom link to Ann’s teaching: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/627GIwnzY_nP_qkdaKLwxGivItu0o7bvL2gs3P_8QhEZv4UvdyXt1SdiyOm2aRc.U2CmkC0c6Wbb1Z-u?startTime=1662906645000
In today’s Gospel Jesus tells parables about individuals who lose something of great value to them, search for it, find it, and then rejoice with family and neighbors. Lost sheep and lost coin. The final story that Luke records in chapter 15 is The Prodigal Son. The boy wanders away, eats with the pigs, and then gives his father great joy because he comes back home.
Let’s reflect a little on what the Scripture can teach us about losing and finding. And rejoicing.
Events in our recent history have compelled my imagination, and I have tried to connect them to our Scriptures.
Today is Sept 11, nine/one/one. For some of us, those numbers will always evoke the horror on our TV screens: the plane ramming into the tall tower of the World Trade Building in New York. 9/11/2001 and the sudden violent deaths — literally out of the blue — of thousands of people who were just going about their daily lives. I’m still having trouble all these years later trying to discover whether a coin of good might be salvaged from the losses that day. Because that loss led to more loss, especially the disaster of the so called “war on terror,” and the thousands upon thousands of lives destroyed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.