The Call to Come On Down!
November 3, 2019
Good Morning 8th Day Friends! I was asked by the Servants Group to do one of this Fall’s first Sunday teachings on “CALL” for this month. As you recall, David Hilfiker gave the first one last month. I will share some of my personal experiences with call, but I also think we need to think of call in the context of community and even a corporate “community call.” In the C of S, call has been received in general by individuals who then call a group together to work out and fulfill that call. We also speak often of “my call” or “her call” to a specific vocation or ministry. However, both in the Bible and historically in Church of the Saviour, communities are called to act together.
In the story of Exodus, for instance, the Hebrew people were called by God, and led by Moses as a community, to leave the land of Pharaoh and go into the desert and eventual freedom. When Gordon led the way into the “New Land” of the Church of the Savior in 1975-76, communities were encouraged to form around a corporate community call. For instance, Seekers was formed around the call of FLOC and I believe that 8th Day was focused strongly on the Polycultural Institute, and later became involved with the Sanctuary movement. These calls were specific responses to a critical time in both the Hebrew nation and our nation’s history. I believe we have such a critical time now in our country, and that it would be well for us to think about what our corporate call is for 8th Day. Perhaps we are to rally around the call to Bridges to Democracy which was issued recently. Perhaps we need to consider that as a community we address the ultimate existential crisis of climate change or combat racism which seems to be especially visible and vitriolic in our country now. I have some specific thoughts about this which I will share later.