A Teaching on Healing Prayer
November 4, 2012
I've thought on and off for years about the Kingdom of God on earth and how to bring it about. As a teenage acolyte in the Episcopal Church I remember thinking, "We don't practice what we preach". It seems like ever since I've been trying to find the way to practice true religion, real Christianity, how to truly follow Jesus. Recently, my search has led me to investigate healing prayer, a subject I felt had been neglected by the church and by followers of Jesus. I have twice reported my findings here, my experiences and what I have come to believe about healing prayer. Briefly, I have come to believe that Jesus was convinced that his disciples could heal if they believed and I didn't see why that was not true today. So, I proceeded on that premise. After studying Jesus' healings and reading several books on modern day healers and experimenting with prayers for personal healing with several significant successes, I have centered on several basic truths: