The Covenant Deepened ... in the Wilderness
February 26, 2012
Texts: Genesis 9:8-17; Mark 1:9-15
God established a covenant with Noah and all Noah’s descendants, including even the animals and every living thing, that the earth would never again be destroyed by a flood. God’s image was being revised. Yes, they reasoned, God does get angry and destroy things…yet God also has the capacity to repent and begin again. And if God can repent and begin again, and we are created in that same image, then can we not learn to repent, too?
So later, when John the Baptist comes preaching repentance, it strikes a familiar chord in the memory of the people. This is like other times that God and the people have turned from the sin of their old ways and have begun again. And now, John says, one who has been heralded by the prophets through the ages, who will make possible what we by our own power have not been able to do, is at hand, actually bringing God’s realm into the earthly realm so that we will be able to see it, and live it, together.