Eighth Day has returned to in-person worship, meeting at 10 AM at the Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd NW.  We meet in the large main room. 

Vaccine Policy: we ask that anyone attending worship over the age of 5 be fully vaccinated and boosted, as appropriate.  (Unvaccinated kids under 5 are welcome.)  People who have medical exemptions should reach out to David Hilfiker dwhilfiker@gmail.com or (202) 387-2347. We will not ask for proof of vaccination, trusting that we will all choose to respect the health of people in our community, especially the elderly or immuno-compromised.

Masks / Social Distancing: Masking is now optional. 

We are in need of volunteers to make things run smoothly, so please consider joining one of the teams by filling out the sign-up form here on this link. (If you have trouble with the sign-up form, you can also email Wendy Dorsey (fabwendy67@gmail.com) and we'll assign you to a team). We need a minimum of committees of 2-3 persons per team.  Thank you for serving the community.

Transportation: Paul Fitch has offered to give rides from nearby metro stops. If you'd like a ride, please make arrangements by calling him at 202-379-5890.  If you know of anyone else who needs accompaniment, please email Dixcy Bosley-Smith dixcybs@gmail.com and we'll try to help make arrangements.

Parking: Technically, the parking spots behind the Festival Center building have been rented and "owned" by other people.  However, those people know that churches worship here, so most of the time there will not be a problem.  If you park in those spots, however, you are encouraged to put a sheet of paper on your dashboard that says "8th Day" just in case.

If you have questions, email or call: Wendy Dorsey, fabwendy67@gmail.com, 240-723-6353 or Kathy Doan kathryndoan@yahoo.com, (202) 510-3626.