On Sunday, March 1, the 8th Day worshiping community returned to Potter's House for regular worship.  For over a year-and-a-half, we have been meeting in the basement of nearby Sarah's Circle while the Potter's House was gutted and completely renovated.

The worship mission group created a special order of worship, and Gail Arnall led the service.  Moderator Marcia Harrington brought the teaching Clearing Space and the usual wonderful music was led by Kent Beduhn, Karen Mohr, Meade Hanna, Chris Taylor, and Mike Smith.

The congregation completely filled our space and we were grateful for our enthusiastic members, but we were led to wonder what adjustments may be necessary to accommodate us.

The entire transition involved virtually everyone in the church.  Special mention should be given to:

Director Tim Kumfur and Bookstore Manager Brennan Baker
Interior designer Emily Owsley
Members of the transition team: Karen Mohr, Marcia Harrington, and Gail Arnall as well as Mike Hopkins, Stephanie Harding, and Harold Vines from the Friends of Jesus church
Members of the new Board of Directors: Marcia Harrington, Dixcy Bosley-Smith, Maria Barker, and others.

It is beginning of a new phase in the life of the 8th Day church and we look forward to it eagerly.