Film: Nalia and the Uprising

Tuesday, April 24 at 6 pm

Landmark's E Street Cinema


Photo Info: On the door of his shop near the Ibrahimi mosque in the heart of the Old City of Hebron, the most intense area in one of the most conflict-heavy regions of the West Bank, a young Palestinian man has written "HOPE".  He has also written it on the wall he looks at everyday across from his shop so he--and others--can continuously be encouraged: no matter what crosses one's path to have hope.


"It has been thirty years since the First Intifada, the Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. In 1988, Naila Ayesh was a young mother who had already survived a brutal imprisonment and who was forced to make a choice between joining her exiled activist husband in Egypt or continuing her organizing in Gaza. She chose to stay and fight—not with weapons but through a clandestine network of women like her who sustained the years-long state of civil disobedience through education, commerce, medical care, and political activity. In this first telling of their story, "one can get a quick glimpse of utopia... if women ruled the world," as critic Deborah Young writes in the Hollywood Reporter. The Oslo deal secretly made by Yassir Arafat stripped the women of their leadership roles, and the moment passed, but in interviews with women—many of them still actively political—in archival footage, and in deeply moving animated sequences, an amazing story of Palestinian women's potential unfolds. Their story's not over yet."—Judy Bloch

In Arabic, Hebrew, English and French with English subtitles